Everyone is aware of the benefits of exercise. It bulks up our muscles over which our skin drapes. Muscle increases our metabolism and helps to burn fat. And of course the health benefits of exercise is that it delays aging and promotes longevity.
Best of all, it makes us ‘feel’ good. If we feel good then we are less likely to indulge in emotional eating. Dr Marcellina Martins, who provides weight loss support at her clinic, Coolalinga Doctors and Health Centre says she couldn’t be happier to see a gym coming to Coolalinga . Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand.
Erika Hewitt, Manager of Snap Fitness Coolalinga says she is just as excited to have recently become part of the Coolalinga community as we are to welcome her. She says:
Erika tells us that Snap Fitness Coolalinga is fully equipped to handle everyone’s needs no matter what age and level of fitness. She says:”We are proud to work along side local business’s such as the Coolalinga Doctors and Health Centre – and to be able to offer a suitable environment for our local clients to reach their health, fitness and rehabilitation goals.” You can contact Erika on 0409 933 286 or you can email her at [email protected].
What If I Can’t Get To A Gym?
In Darwin, going to a gym is a great way to get fit and reduce weight; especially since the heat counteracts the desire to exercise – and one of the best tips for weight loss is to include some form of exercise that lasts around 30 minutes at least every second day, if not every day. Any regular exercise is beneficial. The latest research has produced facts that sitting down all day is disastrous for our health – and that just getting up and walking around the room for a few minutes every hour, can counteract that damage. So whole body movement at regular periods through out the day is crucial to good health.
So what do we do when we have an office job that demands we sit down all day? As mentioned above, in order to keep your body functioning optimally get up every hour and walk to somewhere – even if its around the office desk – and perhaps include a few stretches. In America, some office workers are choosing to do their work standing up – and they’re reporting they feel more refreshed at the end of the day! Personally, I’d rather get up and walk around every hour but everyone to their own.
Walking is still considered the very best exercise anyone can do; our very own Dr Hauge, principal doctor of the Coolalinga Doctors and Health Centre, would attest to this as he walks several miles each week and hasn’t had a sick day for as long as I’ve known him. But if walking outside in Darwin makes you feel like a hot puddle of sweat or worse – the neighborhood dogs leave you in fear of your life – then there other solutions.
Exercise doesn’t have to be hard, in fact the more you enjoy it the more you’ll want to do it. Dancing, mini-tramping (called re-bounding), treadmilling, etc can all be done at home in front of TV. It doesn’t have to be formal exercise to be beneficial either; gardening, playing sport and even house work can count as exercise – the important thing is that for better health and weight management you find a form of exercise you enjoy and do it on a regular basis.
Find out more about your local coolalinga GP – and her weight loss support here.